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Smartling extension for SketchApp

Smartling Sketch Plugin

Smartling extension for SketchApp for translation and pseudo-localization.


Smartling Plugin 2.1.5


  1. Download zip from the latest release
  2. Double-click Smartling.sketchplugin to install
  3. Smartling Plugin will be available in Plugins menu

Sending designs to Smartling for translation

The Smartling Sketch plugin allows for submitting translations directly from Sketch to the Smartling platform and to retrieve completed translations from Smartling. You must have a Smartling Account Owner or Project Manager role and access to enabled projects in Smartling.

To submit content to Smartling select Submit page content to Smartling…. Login with your Smartling credentials. Select project to which translations will be submitted. Current page will be sent to Smartling for translation.

To retrieve completed translations select Retrieve translations from Smartling…. Select project to retrieve translations.

Translated designs will be available as new pages for each of the target lanaguages.

Translation with files

Export text from design using Export content to file.... A JSON file will be created.

To Import from translated file use Import page tranlsations from file...

Translated designs will be available as new pages for each of the target lanaguages.

Pseudo Translation

The Smartling Sketch plugin allows to create Pseudo translated pages directly in Sketch. Pseudo translation allows for mimicking the effect of translation on the layout of an image without actually doing the translation. The plugin provides for several variations of Pseudo depending on the languages needed for translation:

Chinese, Japanese and Korean reduce the size of the text from 30% to 50% in the page while the other options increase the size from 15% to 50%.

Select Pseudo translate page.... Pick desired option for pseudo translation. The plugin will create new pages for pseudo translated designs.